The registration and certification of Birth and Death is given under the registration of Births and Deaths act, 1969 and rule, 2002 notified vide notification no. S.O.87/CA, Haryana Municipal act, 1973 under section 57 (2) (i) and Haryana Municipal Corporation act, 1994 under section 42 (16). The Birth and Death Certificates in Urban Area Haryana are issued by the Local Bodies namely respectively Municipal Corporation /Municipal Council /Municipal Committee within 3 working days from the date of receipt of application from the applicant provided the birth /death has already been registered. Single copy of Birth & Death Certificate is given free of cost to the informant immediately after the registration procedure is completed. First copy of the Birth & Death certificate are also issued @ Rs.12/- per copy and additional copies of the Birth & Death certificate are also issued @ Rs.10/- per copy The certificates are issued from the Secretary/Registrar Birth & Death respective area of the local bodies.
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